Sound Healing

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Sound is a healing modality that dates back thousands of years. From vocal chanting to instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls and shamanic drums, you will find some form of sound healing in every culture on Earth. In Australia, sound healing can be traced back 40,000 years to when Indigenous Australians used ancient didgeridoos for healing. Other well-known historical examples of sound healing are the sound chambers created by the ancient Egyptians in the pyramids.

How it works

Quantum physicists have found that everything has a vibrational frequency, including us. Our frequency can change depending on our mood, health, stress levels and environment. When our vibrational frequency becomes imbalanced our body will start to let us know in the form of discomfort or dis-ease. Studies show that diseased cells vibrate at a lower frequency compared to healthy cells.

Sound therapy uses externally created sound frequencies that are projected into the imbalanced area to reintroduce the correct harmonic pattern. This is achieved through a process of resonance and entrainment, where the body falls into synchrony with the vibrations being played. Sound therapy literally raises your vibration!

Sound Baths

Attending a sound bath is a great way to soak up the healing vibrations in a group setting. During a sound bath, you’ll typically lie down on a yoga mat, perhaps cuddle up with a cosy blanket, and simply listen as a practitioner plays a variety of instruments. You literally “bathe” in the soothing sounds and vibrations. The practitioner will play certain notes and frequencies together, slowing down your brain waves to elicit a deeply restorative state, this can activate the body’s system of self-healing.

Sound Therapy

A a private sound therapy session has a more personalized approach. A sound therapy appointment firstly involves the diagnosis of your energy system (including your chakras and aura). The practitioner then applies frequencies to assist in the alignment of the areas in need of balancing. Think of it as an “energetic deep tissue massage” that leaves you feeling balanced and replenished. Once the alignment is complete you will be offered a synopsis, so you are able to understand factors that contributed to the imbalance. Strategies are then offered to assist you to continue to stay in balance moving forward.

Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks and crystal bowls are the instruments most often used in Kyela® Sound Therapy sessions. Kyela® Sound Therapy does not involve any touching or placement of sound bowls on the clients body. The practitioner works within the person’s energy field and not on their physical body.

Benefits of Sound Healing

It’s super relaxing. Deep relaxation is one of the most significant and universal benefits of sound therapy. With our busy schedules and so much going on in the world, we can all use some chill vibes.

It helps clears energetic blockages. Some people experience deep healing during sound therapy as the sound vibrations open, clear, and balance their chakras and release stuck energy.

It boosts your health. Research demonstrates that sound healing can be incredibly beneficial, helping to improve sleep, reduce chronic pain and blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and decrease the risk of heart disease.

It supports mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Sound healing helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It balances and clears the mind and leads to a renewed sense of purpose, wellbeing, calm, and happiness.

Crystal Healing

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What is Crystal Healing?

Crystal Healing (or Crystal Therapy) is the practice of using crystals therapeutically, either on people or animals, to bring about healing and to enhance wellness. Crystal Healing involves treating a person’s energetic body by placing gemstones and crystals at specific energy points (chakras) on the body. Using gentle movement, hand placement or crystal wands, the therapist activates and directs the energy of the crystals, which work gently with the client’s energy field, to help bring balance and healing on all levels - emotional, mental, spiritual and physical.


There is evidence that Crystal Therapy has been used for thousands of years by many civilizations including the Ancient Hebrews, Mayans, Vedic, Egyptians and Native Americans. Some examples of this include crystals and stones which have been discovered inside ancient Egyptian burial chambers and the use of specific stones used in tribal and cultural jewelry, amulets and garments.

How it works

Every organic substance on Earth has a unique, measurable, energetic vibration called an individual base resonance frequency. This frequency is measured in hertz (Hz). The human body is energetically fickle, in that our base resonance frequency changes all the time, depending on our mood, health, stress levels and environment. In contrast, the vibration of a crystal is constant due to its fixed, geometrically perfect cell structure. By placing crystals on the main energy points (chakras) of a person’s body, the strong and constant vibration of the stone can draw the erratic or weakened vibration of the energetic body into its own steady rhythm, helping to rectify any vibrational imbalance in the persons physical and energetic body.

A Transpersonal Crystal Healing® Approach

Transpersonal Crystal Healing® integrates a holistic counselling approach with energy work using crystals and sound healing. This holistic counseling approach helps you cultivate deeper awareness and insights, uncover unconscious patterns and triggers, and process both past and present life events. By addressing the root causes of your issues rather than just the symptoms, it can help you transform behaviors and routines, improving your quality of life.

The word “transpersonal” simply means beyond the personality. Transpersonal psychology is a sub-category of psychology that has its direct linage accredited to the famed psychologist and philosopher William James (1842 – 1910).


Clears psychological, emotional and energetic blockages.

Profound insights and realisations.

Increased feelings of overall wellbeing.


Rebirthing Breathwork is a healing modality that uses conscious connected breathing to induce feelings of deep relaxation and an expanded state of consciousness.

What to expect during a 1:1 or group session:

Lay down on a mat, get comfy and be guided into a gentle connected breathing rhythm through the nose.

The process of long and careful attention to the circular breath technique exposes multiple layers of inhibitions and unconscious patterns developed from birth and carried throughout life. You can neutralize and integrate whatever surfaces by simply breathing through it, knowing you are safe.

Once you have been guided into the breathing rhythm you will bathe in soothing sounds and vibrations from instruments such as Crystal Singing Bowls, Tibetan bowls, Shamanic Drum, Flutes and Koshi Chimes. The vibrations from the instruments assist the movement of energy and ease you further into relaxation.

You will know when the energy cycle of the session is complete when you are experiencing a deeply calm and peaceful state. Most people feel very relaxed, with an increased sense of connectedness, wellbeing, expansiveness, peace and joy at the end of the session.


Release of everyday stress and tension.

Deep relaxation and calm.

Nervous system regulation.

Gentle yet powerful release of trauma and suppressed emotions.

Deep insights and intuitive guidance from the inside.

Shift energetic and physical blocks.

Liberate the breathing mechanism from shallow, inhibited breathing patterns.

Super-oxygenate the body and alkalize the blood.

Increase feelings of clarity, joy and vitality.